Joined April 2012
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Animating jquery knob to a value
over 1 year
The big credits goes to Anthony Terrien for the plugin, I' just extending the usage:)
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Animating jquery knob to a value
over 1 year
@myandroidrocks: Jquery Knob uses input fields to getting the current value for knob with the code above you can animate the input field value, so you can place this code to your application.js or site.js or something else you use in your website or application:)
Knob also listening to input field change event, and at the end of the code snippet we call trigger change event.
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Blurring with pure CSS3
over 1 year
Is there a fallback for firefox?
Thanks ,Bálint!
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Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language