@yozzz sorry for the delay, had some coderwall issues. i would defer to @rhomeister's determination, I think he has spent more time with it.
thank you!
@rhomeister not at all! please do send the link once you've done so so I can use it :)
@soliah @akofink updated with the latest, since better support was merged in, thanks for your help!
thanks @smlstvnh, updated!
@hunterae thanks so much for the notes. updating to add the ending quote. i should have been more clear that the name "MyVPN" had to match the name of the vpn, I'll update that too
Thanks for the link, going to try to find time to work on a pull request soon. You are right that wemux is not quite a tmux wrapper so it may be more complicated
Thanks for trying this out! It's possible that this has some issues with the latest version of tmux, as I've seen the same thing on a newer machine. I plan to spend some time debugging it soon. If you are able to figure it out before me I'll be sure to update this.
thanks! updating
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@louisgmoore so sorry for the delayed response! there was something funky going on with coderwall and it wouldn't let me comment, but now I can :).
From a quick search it looks like you might have some luck with xclip or xsel, but I haven't tested it myself.