Joined December 2018


Mobile Developer

I am running into issues resigning an .ipa for a project where I use CocoaPods. The resigning proceeds successfully, but when I attempt to upload to the App Store I run into validation errors. Here is a validation error example.

ERROR ITMS-90179: "Invalid Code Signing. The executable 'Payload/' must be signed with the certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile."

I will see a message of this type for every CocoaPods framework included in the project. For example, if I have seven different frameworks, I will see seven error messages, each pointing at the individual framework in question.

It appears that the frameworks have their own signing process or reference to the signing certificate that needs to be updated.

Has anyone run into this issue? Thoughts? Solution?

Ubeamus, great update. Your modification allowed me to proceed and sign successfully.

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