I'm new to Rspec but either this method does not work anymore or it contains an error.
Anyways with Ruby >= 2.0 and Rspec >= 3.0 you have to give the bloc a parameter:
before do |example|
unless example.metadata[:skip_before]
# before body
it "does something" do
# before hook will run before this example
it "does something else", :skip_before do
# before hook will be skipped
and you also do not need skip_before: true, you can just use :skip_before
I'm new to Rspec but either this method does not work anymore or it contains an error.
Anyways with Ruby >= 2.0 and Rspec >= 3.0 you have to give the bloc a parameter:
and you also do not need
skip_before: true
, you can just use:skip_before
But thanks for the hint :)