Joined July 2013

Daniel Ziltener


It's becoming a database frontend, but I didn't start the UI yet - I first need that ClojureFX as a foundation to continue my work. And then my API decisions will have to prove themselves...


Ok; Just keep in mind it is brand-new and still lacks a lot (this will however be corrected soon since I need the lib for a project ;) ).

I've just released 0.0.6 for which most element creation, events and unidirectional property binding is working.


I'm working quite much on my library right now, I've pushed a new version just yesterday evening (and plan to push another heap of new stuff today). I'm working with Java(FX) 8 now for it, and everything works fine (OpenJDK 8 b113). It's probably a bit early to really fully compare the two.

I aim to have mine being easily extensible even if you're just using the library.

I tried:

(deffx somelabel label :text "Test")

which worked just fine here.

Wow. Finally! This looks great!

@icflorescu Yes, but I just can't understand why anyone would want to use it server-side. It's... ok for browser programming, but on the server there are so many awesome alternatives to quirky js. Sure, use what you want, it's your choice.

The problem isn't specifically node.js, the problem is JavaScript, which is a half-assed programming language. Better than PHP, but still.

Posted to Bash script to switch java version over 1 year ago

If you need to test your application on different JVMs, you've done something really wrong.

Posted to Clojure/Script Compatibility Magic over 1 year ago

That's what cljx is for.

Posted to Coffeescript, is worth to learn it! over 1 year ago

-> ClojureScript.

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