Joined April 2014

Youssef Salah


Posted to Stylus is better than LESS and SASS over 1 year ago

@matthewwithanm I somehow agree with you, But there's a really simple fix for making your mixins stand out, By just putting a "-" before the mixin name this is more than enough to distinguish whether It's a user defined property or an actual css property, I also try to keep all the mixins after all the normal css properties.

ex: -border-radius(n) -webkit-border-radius n -moz-border-radius n border-radius n </code> -border-radius(5px) </code> ex: .classname font-size 15px font-weight 700 background-color red -border-radius(5px) -transition(0.2s) .</code> </pre> And as far as nib goes, I've been working with stylus for over 10 month now, On really complicated projects and i never found a use for nib so far, Although it's very good You can still use stylus without the usage of nib. I also worked with less and sass, And i have to say stylus syntax is really heart warming and easy to read through with the right indentation space. Youssef.
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