Joined August 2013

Michael Palumbo


Posted to iterating a hash in an ansible task over 1 year ago

withdict is useful to iterate through keys, values but what if I want to store in a variable only the list of the values?
ka: "a"
kb: "b"

And I would like to create a "my_values" variable that will be a list of the values only: ["a", "b"]

Posted to iterating a hash in an ansible task over 1 year ago

Nice, I am looking for the same thing.
However, I am not familiar with the ansible.cfg file and when I look at the doc, it does not help a lot.
When I just insert this line "filterplugins=./custom/filterplugins" into my ansible.cfg, it does not work. I have an error about no headers...
What does your all ansible.cfg file contain?


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