Joined March 2019


Posted to Hierarchical data in postgres over 1 year ago

i fixed the data
INSERT INTO section (id, name, parentpath) VALUES (1, 'Section 1', 'root');
INSERT INTO section (id, name, parentpath) VALUES (2, 'Section 1.1', 'root.1');
INSERT INTO section (id, name, parentpath) VALUES (3, 'Section 2', 'root');
INSERT INTO section (id, name, parentpath) VALUES (4, 'Section 2.1', 'root.3');
INSERT INTO section (id, name, parentpath) VALUES (5, 'Section 2.2', 'root.3');
INSERT INTO section (id, name, parentpath) VALUES (6, 'Section 2.2.1', 'root.3.4');

but this does not work for the final solution :(

@Chris Farmiloe what is the data for the final solution?
@rafiqmhsbsoft what is your final solution?

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