Joined April 2013

Walter McGinnis

Wellington, New Zealand

Posted to rbenv issues when switching to zsh over 1 year ago

A follow up on my previous comment. The zsh argument to rbenv init is usually not required, but because of my situation (within a shell within emacs), it was was a workaround for $SHELL not being properly set in my environment.

By fixing what $SHELL was set to, things came right. That is a better way of addressing the problem.

Posted to rbenv issues when switching to zsh over 1 year ago

The $ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' bit should be changed to $ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init - zsh)"'. At least with rbenv 0.4.0.

Otherwise zsh complains of "complete" command not being available at shell start up (and you don't get the rbenv autocompletions either).

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