Joined July 2011
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DO NOT $('#foo a'); DO $('#foo').find('a');
over 1 year
Maybe you could link to an actual link.
And maybe you'll see that the performance gain is worth only when you are doing billions of jQuery selects in a for loop.
So, if you're not doing it in a for loop then your wasting your time trying optimizing something that only happens once.
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@turg0n Hey hi. I tried commander.js before diving into node's readline functions.
It turned out commander.js was buggy. When prompting, ̀return ̀ would not trigger end of prompt, needed to press ̀return ̀ twice.
All I needed was a simple prompt function. Did not want to debug a library that seemed not so up to date based on new node readline library. So made my simple function and voilà!
Now thinking to build my own simple node-input library that would prompt/confirm/choose only. No option parsing etc as commander.js do. There are already a lot of modules for that.
What do you think?