Joined October 2013
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Sublime Text: Wrapping content with tag
over 1 year
How does it know which tag to use?
It doesn't ask me for a tag, it just knew that I wanted a P-tag in my particular case. Is there a place to set it?
Thanks, rvinay88, ctrl-g was the option I was after.
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Excellent post. Question for you.
How can you tell if your request is sucessfully coming from a cached source? I watch my network tab on dev-tools and don't see it at all. Typically it will tell me if it's coming from a cached source.
When angular is handling to cache and making the response for the $http request does it not show up on the network tab of dev-tools?
I also am not seeing much improvement from enabling cache, which I thought I would as the the JSON data I am attempting to cache is roughly 550kb. I was thinking if we cached this large data-set then going between views that it would speed up, but I don't seem to be getting any benefits from cache here. Any ideas?
Basically I have a large json file that serves as a datastore for different views. Some views require only a few of the json objects, one view (an archive) requires almost all the json objects. When switching to that view it seems sluggish, even though I have injected that service on the main page of the ngApp. I was thinking since the data is cached and has already been called from a service that switching to this view would be quick, but it seems to be blocked somewhere.