Trending Programming Tips
grunt-init with Coffeescript and Jasmine support
Nicola Molinari
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grunt, javascript, coffeescript, jasmine
You can pass arguments into setTimeout and setInterval
1 response
javascript, settimeout, setinterval
Swap values of two variables without using a temporary variable
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trick, javascript
Installing Ruby Enterprise Edition on OS X 10.9 Mavericks with RVM
Javier Cuevas
0 responses
ruby, os x, ree, mavericks
Linux: Determine free disk space
Guilio Karadanais -
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terminal, linux, dev ops, free disk space
Automate JS releasing with Grunt
Nicola Molinari
0 responses
coffeescript, nodejs, npm, release
git today — Quickly see what you've done today
Roberto Bonvallet
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git alias, git
Check what is running on a given port
Shrayas Rajagopal
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unix, ps, awk, processes
Fast snapshot any views on iOS 7
James Tang
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ios, objective-c
Target android-xx not found (Android Studio)
Jean-Mark Wright
0 responses
android, error, sdk, android-studio
Asset Pipeline helpers
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rails, beginner, helpers, asset-pipeline
Reading/writing binary data in Python
Adam Luptak
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python, binary
PRESTASHOP background/cron CSV products import
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php, prestashop
Running Istanbul code coverage with mocha
Paul Jensen
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node, mocha, istanbul
Scraping web pages using Node.js using request+promise
Peter deHaan
2 responses
request, promise, nodejs
Nondeterminism in Haskell with concatMap
Wyatt Allen
0 responses
haskell, monads, fp, nondeterminism
Get Lazy in javascript coding
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lazy, javascript
A beautiful regex / run code tester!
Maria Manenti
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code, c#, tester
UIScrollView vs. UIWindow: Eternal iOS keyboard issue.
Paris Xavier Pinkney
3 responses
cocoa, xcode, ios, uiscrollview
Debug Capybara feature spec failures with build artifacts
0 responses
rails, testing, rspec, capybara
Getting Guard out of interactive mode in Foreman
Arthur Chang
2 responses
ruby, rails, gems
Scala fold, foldLeft, and foldRight
Robbie Pitts
8 responses
scala, reduce, mapreduce, inject
Circle crop/mask on views
James Tang
3 responses
xcode, objective-c, ios
Configurations and Namespaces in Package Development for Laravel
Zennon Gosalvez
4 responses
php, open source, laravel