Trending Programming Tips
Use TDD to pace your development
Keith Pinson
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ActionController Concerns and View Inheritance
Ben Caldwell
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POSTing from Angular to Django
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python, django, rest, angularjs
gstreamer commands for desktop streaming to raspberry pi
Chris Turnbull
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ffmpeg, raspberry pi, gstreamer
Metres, Seconds and Newtons in PhysicsJS
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javascript, simulation, physics, physicsjs
git: Show difference between local and remote branches
Ítalo Lelis de Vietro
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diff, commit, git, files
bash script to generate tree structure of a directory
Pravendra Singh
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linux, command, bash, filesystem
Rails - Clear table and reset auto_increment
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rails, mysql, auto_increment
ansible install java 8
Paul Felby
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Post x-www-form-urlencoded data with Restangular
Yannik Messerli
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rest api, javascript, angularjs, restangular
Check if an email exist
Phương 'J' Lê H.
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shell, command, bash, email exist
Vagrant logging when provisioning and vagrant aliases
David Lonjon
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alias, vagrant
Splitting Strings with MySQL
Franklin Strube
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mysql, sql
Beautiful Javascript Console Message
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console, log, css3, js
Swift: The Optionals Heuristic
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Use localstorage, bye, bye cookie's
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browser, localstorage, html5
Vundle `PluginInstall` from shell
Jake Teton-Landis
1 response
shell, vim, vundle, bundleinstall
Deep clone a javascript object without underscore or lodash
Sebastian Schepis
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node, clone, javascript, deep clone
Configuring DataMapper with a YAML file
Leandro Guida
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ruby, hash, yaml, datamapper
ghq: Manage repository clones of GitHub, Google Code on the "Go way"
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git, mercurial, go, github
remove all .DS_Store pollution
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shell, mac, hidden files, bash
Encrypted Google Search on Chrome
Franz Geffke
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security, search engine, google chrome, omnibox