Trending Programming Tips
Exporting/Importing Compressed MySQL Backups
Colin O'Dell
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mysql, bash
Be wary of CSS filters
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Creating Website Pages and Forms with Struts and Webix UI
Veronika Lindorenko
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java, javascript, struts, website development
Editing Google Docs with vim
Aaron Karper
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vim, markdown, gdocs
Don't use IE
Ben Watkins
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ie, internet explorer, don
How to get the correct Unix Timestamp from any Date in JavaScript
Andreas Pizsa
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timestamp, js, javascript, unix time
Debugging Android ADB Using WIFI
Azri Jamil
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debug, debugging, adb, wifi
Goodbye PHP Sessions, Hello JSON Web Tokens
Richard McDaniel
21 responses
php, security, rest, json
Waiting for the Google Maps API only when it's needed within your AngularJS app
Eduardo García Sanz
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angularjs, google-maps
Forwarding TCP-traffic to a UNIX socket
Max Claus Nunes
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unix, tcp, socket, forward
var_export is sometimes more useful than var_dump
Saji Nediyanchath
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php, var_dump, var_export
By wisdom a house is built, but through understanding it is maintained
Gilbert Quinn
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wisdom, success, understanding
Linux command line MP3 splitter
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linux, mp3
CD into last directory in bash
Alex Gorbatchev
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Material Color Palette
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color, gist, random, palette
Open all merge conflicts in your editor
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bash, zsh, git, vim
OSX Yosemite Bonjour / mDNSResponder problems...
Jason Milkins
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Gem to display the rails environment on the favicon
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ruby, rails, favicon
Creating the perfect coderwall background image
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coderwall, image, template, background
Wordpress - Local or live database
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php, wp-config, wordpress
Securing Websockets
Michael Kaminsky
0 responses
nodejs, node, javascript
Bootstrap 3, grid system and hi-density small screens detected as XS
Aleksander Ciesiołkiewicz
3 responses
css, css3, js, bootstrap