Trending Programming Tips
Showing errors messages in Rails 4
Leonardo Faria
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rails, helpers
Cross-tab communication using localStorage
Hasen el Judy
1 response
tabs, localstorage, javascript, cross-tabs
Django dumpdata and loaddata
eranga bandara
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django, database, model, dumpdata
Mastering GIT commands
Oswaldo Ferreira
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commands, git, reset, revert
If Any Click But This... Do That!
Dustin Hoffmann
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javascript, jquery, web development
Getting started with Ionic
Steven Iseki
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phonegap, angular, ionic
Empty strings and ternary operators
Stéphane Maniaci
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ruby, rails, ror, string
Convert a Constructor function to a regular function that can be called without new
Hasen el Judy
1 response
prototype, javascript
Magic formula for automatically summing rows in a Google Spreadsheet
Adam Phillips
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google, spreadsheets
Introduction to `ngrep`
Jared Davis
0 responses
grep, unix, networking, wireshark
Tools for getting things done (on Windows)
David Higgins
1 response
tools, productivity, windows, programs
Load Bootstrap tabs dynamically
Michael Born
2 responses
jquery, bootstrap, ajax, javascript
OpenSSL Encrypted Tar Backups for UNIX-like's
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linux, backup, unix, encryption
Autocompose changelog for git projects
Alexander Schepanovski
0 responses
shell, alias, changelog, changes
Recover a frozen MacOS
Benedikt Ritter
0 responses
macos, recover, emergency help
Defining and running Gulp tasks for each environment on the fly
Eduardo García Sanz
5 responses
workflow, deploy, gulp
Forget sudo?
1 response
shell, sudo, bash
git deliver
Amy Unger
0 responses
git, brogramming
Record XHR and JavaScript Errors on the client side
Gregor Dorfbauer
0 responses
tool, bug, xhr, error
My email design workflow
Lee Munroe
0 responses
process, email, design, workflow
AngularJS: Using trackBy with filters in an ng-repeat
Ciro Nunes
2 responses
javascript, angularjs
persist dropdown menu values after submit
3 responses