Trending Programming Tips
See what files are opened from a command
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3 demands of an effective frontend dev
Sam Saccone
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Native Scrolling on Touch Devices & Polyfilling
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Partial application in JavaScript with 'bind'
Mark Dalgleish
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Deleting a Backbone Model Without Sending a DELETE Request
Salehen Shovon Rahman
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backbone.js, javascript, front-end development
Changing browser console context to an iframe in Firefox/IE
Tieg Zaharia
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console, browser, js, iframe
New code editor Brackets
Mariz Melo
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Make HTML elements resizable
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Git Aliases
James Doyle
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Turning an existing GitHub Issue into a Pull Request
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Rolling Your Own Custom Counters for Ordered Lists
Eric E. Anderson
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css, html, lists, counter
Building and using multiple PHP versions
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Non-destructive Vim piping
Jesse Dearing
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Inject HTML into an iframe with jQuery
Edoardo Rivello
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jquery, iframe
Remove Empty Helpers
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shell, rails
Tooltips in pure CSS
Kushagra Gour
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css, tooltip, hint
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Speed up Travis-CI build preparation time by 800%
Michał Czyż
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Let me finish, listening and credibility
Adam Lowe
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Heads up: Rails Security Issue
Victor Solis
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ruby, rails, security
Knockout.js & Lungo.js - taps instead of clicks
Oliver Tupman
1 response
click, tap, knockout.js, javascript
Squash your commits with git rebase
Rizwan Iqbal
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rebase, git, commits
Pretty JSON in the terminal
Rodrigo Kochenburger
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python, cli, json
PHP class kickstart
Michael Dyrynda
0 responses
php, sublime, kickstart, oop