Trending Programming Tips
I committed to the wrong branch?
Sean Copenhaver
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Core Data + Gran Central Dispatch
Juan Karam
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How to list design documents and views on couchbase via the REST API
Juan Simon
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Get puma jungle scripts working with rvm
Johannes Opper
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Painless coffeescript traces and debugging with coffee-trace
Rilke Petrosky (XenoMuta 2.0)
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Safety tips for dangerous commands in bash
Rilke Petrosky (XenoMuta 2.0)
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Set up a chef server on debian with fabric
Thomas Massmann
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Array#sample and Array#shuffle using SecureRandom
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Sass/Compass ManyTransitions mixin
Antonio Lettieri
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Find regression testable code
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Tired of restarting Sinatra
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Overlay for Visualizing Accessibility in iOS
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How to generate test files for uploading during development or troubleshooting
Tim Fernihough
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Prevent timeouts in phonegap on android emulator
Stefan Höfler
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Quickly remove deleted files in preparation for a Git commit.
Brendan Abbott
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Manage async events with Jquery promise
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How to take screenshot of the window without drop shadow in OS X
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OmniAuth + Google Apps authentication
Matt Aimonetti
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Get size of MySQL database with a query
1 response
mysql, database
Cache your scripts with localStorage
Adam Argyle
4 responses
localstorage, html5, web perf, browser cache
DRY with *haml_coffee_assets* and partials
Alexander Kirillov
0 responses
coffeescript, haml, tip, partial