Trending Programming Tips
Transfer ownership
Jasson Cascante
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"Toggle slow animations" on iOS device while debugging
Sergey Gavrilyuk
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Resque on Windows
Brian Krygsman
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Preserving line brakes in HTML
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
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Apply permission recursivly on file / on folders
Thibault Milan
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Time-based CSS Background using JavaScript
James Barnett
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A gentle reminder about < section >
Ezekiel Kigbo
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Flatten a list of lists in one line in Python
James Hurford
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Chrome is too forgiving
Andy Lin
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Best resource for all those Linux command options
James Barnett
1 response
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Toggling hidden 'dot' files in OSX Finder
Craig Marvelley
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Dependency injection container (DiC) vs. service locator (SL)
Adrian Imfeld
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Single Page App with Rails, Ember.js and jQuery Mobile
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use nano from Git Bash on Windows :D
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Login to the Linux machine behind heroku
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Some helpful Xcode plugins
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Checkout last branch without writing the name.
Christopher Hein
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Make broken images show up in Firefox
Bryan Mikaelian
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