Trending Programming Tips
My current Gruntfile.js for a Laravel 4 project
Kenny Meyers
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Pretty urls in git clone
Jakh Daven
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Limit Login Attemps
Etienne Tremel
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Upstart scripts for a Go Web App
Adnaan Badr
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rbenv: [binary-name]: command not found
James D
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:Sex in vim
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showing and hiding :before and :after in IE8
Dmitriy Likhten
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Comment Your Code
Eric McCormick
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Something you didn't know about CSS padding
Ismael González
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css, padding
Get image size before it's fully loaded
Dmitry Semenov
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HEAD response in padrino
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Little ruby snippet to find words in files recursively
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ruby, find, directory, words
Dynamic robots.txt in Rails
Thomas Klemm
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My Git aliases >> .bash_aliases
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alias, git
Get IPs of your Network Interfaces plus your External Address
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OpenStack ~ Beginners Guide Series [Part 1]
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Tooling the Reader Monad
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RSpec Turnip Formatter
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ruby, turnip, rspec
My Sublime Settings
Kiran Gangadharan
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sublime-text, settings
see most used commands
Abimael Martell
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shell, unix
CSS images that scale down nicely
Gordon Williamson
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css, html, responsive design
Vertical aligning in CSS
Ismael González
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css, snippet, vertical-align
Prevent user highlighting element text
Shane Horn
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Go Web App: Simple Resource Packaging Script
Adnaan Badr
0 responses
web, golang, go
Vim: Keep text selected after indentation.
Nick Larson
2 responses
vim, indentation