Trending Programming Tips
Symfony Live Portland 2013
Jesse Reese
0 responses
php, laravel, programming, web development
start your editor in less
0 responses
nano, emacs, vim, less
Blurring Content when Dialog triggers
Kevin Gimbel
2 responses
jquery, css
A git extension to manage .gitignore files
0 responses
gitignore, cli, git
The //* /*/ //*/ comment toggle trick
Alexander Brevig
27 responses
arduino, sql, comments, wiring
Getting JSON out of the YouTrack REST API
Christoph Neuroth
1 response
json, youtrack
Responsive design breakpoints
Leo Cavalcante
0 responses
responsive, css3, ui, ux
Pixel Art without images
Kevin Gimbel
1 response
scss, css, html, box-shadows
A quick pull-to-refresh implementation
Will Helling
0 responses
ios, objective-c
JavaScript unit testing framework!!!
Jacob Rask
1 response
javascript, unit testing
Formatting Currency via Regular Expression
Ben Simpson
3 responses
ruby, regular expression, formatting, currency
User interface thinking in Rails
Joe Fiorini
0 responses
rails, javascript, client-side, rich ui
Removing the delay when entering an incorrect sudo password
Pascal Hartig
0 responses
shell, sudo, passwords
evil bash
Nick Jacob
2 responses
shell, sh, bash
Enabling mixins inclusion for all Javascript classes
Cédric Néhémie
0 responses
coffeescript, mixins, javacsript
Connection Pooling with Spring RestTemplate
Zoheb Sait
3 responses
java, spring mvc, resttemplate, connection pooling
Lint-safe, ES5, strict-mode-safe access to the JavaScript global object
Jason Karns
0 responses
javascript, es5, strict mode
Switch to your favorite shell in Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
4 responses
shell, zsh, vagrant
Styling your HR tag using just HTML
Mike Ballan
3 responses
css, html
Terminate a renegade MySQL query
Anupama Aggarwal
1 response
mysql, sql
How to save and open sessions in Vim
Rômulo Machado
0 responses
vim, sessions
Hello Python
Madhu GB
2 responses
python, apache, mod_wsgi