Trending Programming Tips
ExpandableListView and long click listener done right
Bartłomiej Wójtowicz
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Meteor[ite] on Cloud9
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Installing Oracle Java 7 On Ubuntu 13.04/12.10/12.04
Ivan Sim
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ivanhcsim, java, ubuntu
Open vi/vim on a specific line number
Mark McD ☠
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vim, cli, text, vi
Quickly toggle DOM changes in Chrome
Jason Edelman
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front end development, chrome dev tools
cloudflare + require.js = : (
Jeff Escalante
1 response
cloudflare, requirejs, javascript, require.js
LIVE profiling of your web pages
Eldad Fux
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css3, javascript, preformance, speed optimization
OSX shortcuts ⌥ + ← or → and ⌘ + ← or → in iTerm2
Rob Griffiths
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osx, shortcut, iterm, protips
Using PhantomJS from Perl
Yaroslav Korshak
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perl, phantomjs, javascript
Showing and hiding conditional HTML without Javascript
Stephan Hagemann
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css, html, javascript
Shell Enhancements for MongoDB
Tyler Brock
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shell, mongodb, hacks, javascript
zsh: command not found while executing shell commands in vim
Silas Sao
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shell, zsh, vim, mac
Simpler JS boolean based conditions
Ben Howdle
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Asp.Net Web Api
Berat Bilgin
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·, web api,
Easy Clear screen for Linux/OSX
Octavio Luna
1 response
shell, osx, linux, mac
Encrypting your user's data in the DB
Juraci Paixão Kröhling
1 response
encryption, jpa, java, jasypt
Sending e-mails in Rails using the google API
Arthur Henrique Guimarães
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ruby, google, rails, mail
Microsoft's WebAPI
Jamal Khan
1 response
mvc, codeplex, c#, aspnet
Valid Angular JS directives
Eldad Fux
2 responses
w3c, html5, coding standards, angular js
Max OS X launchctl load "nothing found to load"
Anders Brownworth
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mac, os x, launchd, launchctl
CSS UI Frameworks
koray güclü
4 responses