Trending Programming Tips
Add bash-like autocompletion to Drush5
Adam Dziendziel
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Lightweight MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
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Using different build configuration in Jekyll Site
Marcos Hernández
1 response
octopress, jekyll, git-pages
How to get real Mobile CSS resolutions for Responsive Design
Elad Shechter
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css, responsive design, css3, web design
Wordpress custom URL rewrites and tips
Shaiful Islam
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wp, url rewrite
angularjs html5Mode on github pages
Chia-liang Kao
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Quicksort in Elixir
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erlang, elixir, quicksort, sort
Dynamic element size via CSS position manipulation
Elad Shechter
0 responses
css, web design, javascript
Ajax with Clojurescript library.
Tim Gluz
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clojurescript, events, closure, ajax
Get routes for given controller
Vasiliy Ermolovich
0 responses
rails, routes
Yeoman + Travis + Github Pages
Matt Hayes
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test, front-end, build, travis ci
CSS selector trick: select all elements except the first
Elad Shechter
6 responses
css, webdesign
array_column implementation for PHP <= 5.5
Dmitry Polovka
1 response
php, array, column, array_column
How to determine if a scrollable element has been scrolled to the bottom
Joaquin Senosiain
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javascript, jquery, scrolling
How to log JavaScript element representations in the console
Thomas Lindstrøm
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html, console, dom, inspect
Index of minimum element of a list
Antonio Vera
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python, algorithm, index, list
ppi: the php meta framework!
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Run all your tests individually
Martin Svalin
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ruby, tdd, minitest
Yahoo weather app like image swiping
Tobias Otte
2 responses
mobile, js, javascript, jquery
Show current Git branch in bash prompt
James Acklin
0 responses
bash, git, dotfiles
Using nmap to quickly ping all hosts in an address range
0 responses
unix, network, linux, nmap
How to easily rotate UIImageView 360°
Alex Hajdu
1 response
xcode, ipad, iphone, cocoa touch