Trending Programming Tips
Clean up your mess with PHPMD!
Eldad Fux
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Find your fat modules
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Gameloop - the correct way
Christian Weber
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jQuery and CoffeeScript: trouble with automatic return
Johannes Laudenberg
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Linode Debian 7 web server setup
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Wait for ajax with capybara 2.0
Jorge Dias
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Useful links to getting started with Rails
Dominik García
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Debugging delayed_job jobs from within the console
Kenny Meyer
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Automatically Create Icons for iOS Apps
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need a curl with cookie?
Andrey Savelyev
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curl, cookie
Deploying Rails app using Nginx, Unicorn, Postgres and Capistrano to Digital Ocean
James Dullaghan
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Script to update vim pathogen and bundles
Jens Grassel
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Markdown with Fenced Code Blocks in Vim
Tyler Hunt
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vim, markdown
Force redeploy of Node.js project on Heroku
Vaughan Rouesnel
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Auto-indenting on Sublime Text 3
Osvaldo Zonetti
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LiveReload on Nitrous.IO
dan smith
1 response
livereload,, nitrous
Furatto Flat Framework
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css, style, frontend, design
Prevent rendering your page inside an iframe using X-Frame-Options
Marcelo Waisman
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php, iframe, http
Remove all whitespace from a directory
David Kormushoff
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Using Rsync to deploy a website. Easy one liner command
jay mabazza
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script, download, website, deploy
express.js vs restify node.js framework.
Mithun Satheesh
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frameworks, rest api, restful, nodejs
BeforeRender Concern for Rails
Francois Deschenes
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rails, callbacks, rails4
Remapping Caps Lock key to something more natural on Mac OS X
Chip Castle
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osx, keyboard, mac, control
Querying sub-documents and sub-sub-documents in Mongoose
Dominik García
5 responses
nodejs, express, expressjs, mongodb
JavaScript inheritance for Beginners
Christian Weber
4 responses