Trending Programming Tips
How to intercept every email when developing using production data
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Track page views the smart way with the Impressionist gem.
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Easy embedding of web fonts using a SASS mixin
Peter Mescalchin
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git checkout - (previous branch)
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Strong parameters with has_and_belongs_to_many
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Sublime Text - MultiLang Color Schemes
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Editing a remote file with vim on your local machine
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Connect to MongoDB in Vagrant with MongoHub
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WordPress multisite migration checklist
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It's Beer :30 Time
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Placeholders shouldn't be used for labels
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GCDMacros - iOS
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RVM for your Ruby projects
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Rendering Dates as Carbon objects in Laravel
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Find files on Linux with... find
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Compress and Uncompress anything on Linux
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HTML5 game development blog
Christian Weber
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Generate only the binstubs that your project needs
Mislav Marohnić
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ruby, bundler, rails, binstubs
ActiveRecord empty? vs count
Luis Ezcurdia
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rails, activerecord, benchmark
Ruby on Rails 4 - Authentication with Facebook and OmniAuth.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
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rails, facebook, omniauth, authentication