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Tomcat 7 init.d script
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Integration testing w/ encrypted data bags and test-kitchen
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Sencha Touch: Autocomplete Fieldtext with (code)List
Martin Mráz
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Stubbing and Mocking with RSpec
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Deploy Rails 4 app with Dokku on DigitalOcean
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Running E2E for Yeoman generated angular app
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Heroku commandline helpers
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JavaScript Testing with Jasmine
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How to spy on JavaScript methods with Jasmine
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Managing test data with factory girl
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Designing code with RSpec
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Behavior-Driven Integration and Unit Testing
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How to test asynchronous JavaScript with Jasmine
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Create dynamic virtual hosts with Apache2
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Integration tests vs. Bogus
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Reliable mocks with Bogus
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Keep your Python app running
Ken Moini
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AngularJS stop event propagation
Aditya Saxena
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Who's on this e-mail list? (quirk's mode)
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Adding option to already initiated Bootstrap plugin
Melanie Archer
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