Trending Programming Tips
Brazillian currency fields with simple_form on Ruby on Rails
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How to capture awesome screenshots from Chrome
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Creating images from JSON in Rails
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Install Drush via Composer
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A Mind Prison
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Basic Caching Strategy Javascript Class
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Using loops in LESS
David Morrow
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Latest Web UI Trend: Ajax Loading Bars
Mike Olsen
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Lazy front-enders are lazy
Tom Schuermans
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Simple SMTP server with OpenSMTPD
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Play Framework or RubyOnRails?
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High quality EMF/WMF to PNG in Linux
Francisco Grau
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ExternalInterface#call in a deadly loop (__flash__toXML)
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Read large text files in nodejs
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Twitter Bootstrap "namespacing"
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Compass size() mixin
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Delocalize (or localize) attributes on Rails with I18n::Alchemy
Patrick Müller
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Easily determining ownership in Rails
Josh McMillan
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Get Android launcher and settings in Google Glass
Fernando F. Gallego
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75 essential tools for iOS developers
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Rails4 Collection Check Boxes
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails
Clean South app migration reset
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