Joined October 2013


Carbon Five
Santa Moncia, CA

Posted to Your Privates Stink over 1 year ago

This is an Interesting theory, but completely disregards breaking up a 10-line method into two (or more) smaller methods, which is something I do a lot. These smaller component methods make the public api methods more sensible (in that they call a handful of well-named private methods), which means that you can see easily what the intent of a public method is. Most of the time, all of that code could reasonably "fit" in the public method, but it is much harder to interpret.

As with many things, saying "never do this" or "always do that" is rarely the right approach (notice how even here, I say "rarely"). But if you're trying to incite readers, always be sure to include "always" or "never" in your posts.

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