Accelerate Your Web Development Skills
Everyday HTML and CSS protips learned and shared from the trenches.
Bootstrap | Different text alignment on different screen sizes
Merianos Nikos
0 responses
css, twitter, scss, bootstrap
Simple html minifier
Diego Pérez
0 responses
python, html
Some cool links that help us to make things better ;D
Junior Magalhães
0 responses
web, front-end links
Natural curves
Chris Nager
0 responses
css, border-radius, border radius, natural curves
juggler - juggling with mobiles
Jan Mühlemann
0 responses
backbone, phonegap, html5, mobileapp
A gentle reminder about < section >
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
html5, specs, section
Clearing floats without markup
Osiris Magro
0 responses
css, html, floats
Favelet QR code
Wim Mostmans
0 responses
mobile, web, qr, favelet
Mobile Navigation Icon
0 responses
html, css, jquery, mobile
Hint your home-brew fonts
0 responses
css, hinting, custom fonts, ttfautohint
CSS For Background Images
Winston Hearn
0 responses
css, images, front-end, background-images
Hide select box picker on orientation change
Grigory Avdyushin
0 responses
ios, html5, js
Animating Pseudo-element in CSS
Wivorn Chowattanakul
0 responses
css, animation, codepen, pseudo element
Great color scheme tool
Lance Johnson
0 responses
css, colors, web design, palette
Brackets - Live Editor
Cameron Verhelst
2 responses
css, html, editor, js
Tired of compiling LESS files on save? try this
Ammar Alakkad
0 responses
css, less, ubuntu, css3
border-box snippet
Leo Cavalcante
0 responses
Manu. L
0 responses
css, less