Newest Testing Programming Tips
Using Email On Acid for testing Email?
Joakim Olander
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joakwest, testing, email, emailonacid
Expecting an exception in Jasmine-node
1 response
node, testing, bdd, coffeescript
Travis CI, Grunt and Phantom.js for Javascript CI
Irakli Nadareishvili
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testing, travis, build, qunit
Make your Rails tests look pretty with redgreen gem
Michiel Sikkes
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rails, terminal, testing
README Driven Development
Marcos Ganine
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tdd, testing
Collaborate better with fixtures
Michiel Sikkes
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ruby, rails, testing, fixtures
Testing your web project using jqUnit
Pulkit Goyal
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jquery, web, test, testing
quick WordPress plugin unit testing
luke crouch
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testing, wordpress
Integration testing Rake tasks
Michiel Sikkes
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rails, testing, rake, integration
Run Arbitrary Tests in Rails
Jason Rogers
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ruby, rails, testing
Cucumber on Perl
Peter Sergeant
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perl, sheriff, cucumber, testing
Testing with Coffeescript free eBook
Mario Alberto Chavez
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coffeescript, testing, jasmines
Runs rspec tests in subdirectories
Łukasz Korecki
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ruby, tdd, zsh, testing
Nuno Job
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testing, nodejs
Testing email based services with Gmail
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testing, email, debuging
Testing Factories
Dmitriy Likhten
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testing, factories
Jasmine, Sinon and Rails
Damon Davison
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coffeescript, rails, testing, sinon
Be sure that your commit pass tests
Łukasz Niemier
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testing, hooks, git
Testing multiple flask version on Travis-CI
Christoph Heer
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testing, flask, travis ci
Testing window.location with capybara
Fabrizio Regini
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cucumber, testing, backbone, javascript
Generic Builder
Anthony Johnston
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testing, builder pattern
Script your Java with Groovy
Rick Mangi
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groovy, testing, java
Unit Testing
Keith Williams
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testing, unit
Here's a node.js schema validator for MongoDB...
Dave Henderson
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nodejs, mongodb, testing, schema
Ruby 1.9 RR's any_instance_of problems
Luca Guidi
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ruby, tdd, testing, bdd