Popular Symfony Programming Tips
Symfony Live Portland 2013
Jesse Reese
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php, laravel, programming, web development
Symfony 2.0 to 2.3 update MaxLength, MinLength Validator Constraints
Alex Goretoy
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symfony, 2.0-2.3 update
Symfony 2.0 to 2.3 update, buildForm
Alex Goretoy
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symfony, update, 2.0-2.3, buildform
Get Fast: An easy Symfony2 / PHPUnit optimization By Kris Wallsmith
Francesco Tassi
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tdd, symfony, phpunit
Symfony 2 cheat sheet
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php, symfony
Deploy Symfony Applications
Francesco Tassi
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capistrano, deploy, symfony, capifony
Nginx Symfony 2 Config
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nginx, symfony, symfony2
Symfony configuration prepend
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symfony, php, di, dependency injection
Create a fully themeable symfony1 application
Andrea Puggioni
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php, symfony, symfony1
Dump an array inside a twig template with a nice bootstrap collapsable tree
Matteo Caberlotto
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twig, symfony, array, dump
Symfony: Generate module
Yesi D
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php, symfony
Amazing services for code analysis
Dmitry Tsoy
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php, symfony, symfony2, code analysis
Symfony 2.0 to 2.3 update, twig render
Alex Goretoy
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symfony, update, twig, 2.0-2.3
Double slash (//) issue in fos js-routing generated urls
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symfony, friendsofsymfony/js-routing-bundle, mails
Basic Multitail config for colourising Symfony2 logs
Stuart Grimshaw
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logs, symfony, multitial
PHPUnit + Symfony1 one-liner
Oncle Tom
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test, symfony, unit-tests, phpunit
Symfony 2 Configuration VS Object Calisthenics
Emanuele Minotto
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symfony, object-calisthenics, symfony2
symfony-mariadb-nginx - new containerized framework
Chris Houseknecht
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symfony, php, nginx, container
Symfony 2.0 to 2.3 update, validator validate
Alex Goretoy
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symfony, 2.0-2.3
Symfony 2.0 to 2.3 update, FormEvents::BIND_CLIENT_DATA
Alex Goretoy
0 responses
symfony, update, 2.0-2.3, formevents
Editing language files the best way
Josef Simonson
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php, language, symfony, symfony2
Composer Install in Symfony2
Matthew Harmon
0 responses
symfony, composer