Popular Svg Programming Tips
Rok Fajfar
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javascript, html5, js, canvas
A quick SVG guide
Steven Iseki
0 responses
PNG-Fallback for SVG-Images
0 responses
js, svg, javascript, fallback
Inline SVG with html5
Adrián Monostori
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html5, svg, html, inline svg
batch convert PNGs to SVGs using bash and copy to new location
Chad Ostrowski
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shell, svg, png, imagemagick
Roll your own icon Font
Areus Wade
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css, svg, font-face
Star Wars opening crawl from 1977
Tim Pietrusky
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css, html, svg, audio
Plug-and-play icons for websites
Mariz Melo
0 responses
css, svg, icons, fontello
Compatibility browsers tables
Vincenzo Ferrari
0 responses
css3, svg, html5, compatibility
Glyphicons halflings html entities cheatsheet.
Damien Nozay
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bootstrap, svg, cheatsheet, html
Inline SVG Gem
James Martin
0 responses
ruby, css, rails, gem
Create SVG Icons for HTML5 with Flash & Style with Snap
brandon flowers
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flash, svg, javascript, snapsvg
Piegress.js - Pie progress indicators
Stefano Azzolini
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jquery, progress, plugin, svg
SVG Fonts with Icomoon.io
Kevin Alford
0 responses
css, html, icon, svg
Bad font-face rendering in Chrome
Agostina Figueredo
0 responses
chrome, font, svg, font-face
An easier way to create custom social icons.
Ivan Sugerman
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javascript, vector, sass, retina
Use iDraw for SVG editing on the cheap
Jamie Ly
0 responses
ios, vector, editor, svg
How to Use Webfonts in Spotify Apps and Pages
Marco Lago
0 responses
spotify, svg, webfont
SVG → PNG (macOS-only!)
Ryan Parman
0 responses
svg, png, mac, macos
Gem para gerar gráficos em SVG
Rogério Zambon
0 responses
ruby, gem, svg
SVG Transforms
0 responses
svg, snapjs
Handle mouse click on links with SVG graphics
Stanislav Ryahov
0 responses
javascript, coffeescript, rails, svg
SVG Tags require width and height attributes
0 responses
svg, html, cross-browser
Best way to code an SVG
Nic Trent
0 responses
images, svg