Popular String Programming Tips
Capitalize strings in JavaScript.
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string, javascript
Capitalize String Extension
Terry Dellino
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.net, string, extensionmethod
Enumerable ranges from strings in Ruby
Michael Parks
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ruby, patch, string, range
Strings to colors
Yuri Artemev
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ruby, color, string
Split a string with different delimiters
Marcus Olsson
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string, array, c#
RegExp for checking clases
Eric Kinzel
2 responses
string, regexp, class, jquery
Javascript stringSplice
0 responses
javascript, string, splice, stringsplice
Check or validate if Javascript value is a string (is-string)
0 responses
javascript, string, code, opensource
Function for removing unwanted characters
Marcus Olsson
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string, function, c#
Read InputStream into String
Bruno Candido Volpato da Cunha
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java, inputstream, string
String reverse
Bruce Lim
0 responses
javascript, string, reverse
Helpful tips for usage of string
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string, tutotial, help, java
Functions for string in java
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it, help, java, string
Sort words by their frequency
Bruno Candido Volpato da Cunha
0 responses
java, string, frequency, sort
Functions for string in java
Yuri Filatov
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it, programming, hepl, string