Newest Shell Programming Tips
Log Memory Usage per second or minute on Linux
Samuel Lampa
3 responses
shell, linux
Viewing Markdown files in Terminal
Daniel Sim
0 responses
shell, terminal, markdown, os x
Remove stopped Docker containers
Aaron Kalin
0 responses
shell, remove container, docker
Adding another project's entire history with git using subtree merge
0 responses
shell, scm, git, lucariatias
A function to find and kill processes running on a certain port
Kevin Suttle
2 responses
shell, zsh, unix, functions
dump trailing whitespace across a project
Mr Rogers
1 response
perl, shell, whitespace, cleanup
Make your TMux status bar responsive
Łukasz Niemier
12 responses
shell, tmux
Fishshell function for Creating Tarballs with Progressbars
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, fish, commandline, tar
Fishshell Function for Uncompressing Tarballs with Progress bars
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, fish, commandline, tar
Tar & untar on OSX & Linux with Progress bars
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, osx, linux
Russian Roulette SysAdmin Style
Chris Seymour
0 responses
shell, bash
Quick chef tip - How to debug
Pierre Ozoux
0 responses
shell, chef, devops
Forget the mouse when connecting to VPN
Andrew Thal
2 responses
shell, alias, vpn, applescript
Cambiar permisos de archivos filtrando por nombre en Ubuntu
Gastón Nina
0 responses
shell, linux, ubuntu
Custom Gnome3 Menu Items & App Launchers
Jason Balthis
0 responses
shell, linux, menus, applications and Sublime
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, sublime,
npm list --depth=0
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
12 responses
shell, nodejs, npm, workflow
make the use of `curl <url> | sh` more secure
0 responses
shell, security, curl, bash
GNU screen is the most robust serial debug utility
Ilya Dmitrichenko
0 responses
shell, unix, screen, embedded
Secure password encryption in Maven
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, maven, password, encryption
My Git Environment
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, commandline, git
Remote debugging for PHP cli scripts
0 responses
php, shell, console, cli
Time every command in BASH
Yung-chung Lin
0 responses
shell, time, bash