Popular Security Programming Tips
Hide your git on web servers
Peter Mescalchin
1 response
security, nginx, git
Protect your server with Fail2Ban
2 responses
security, linux, server, fail2ban
Encrypt and Save a File with GPG and Vim
Jason Seney
0 responses
security, vim, encryption, gpg
Knock my Port!
Pierre Ozoux
0 responses
security, ssh, linux, firewall
Efficient way to protect a password on a database
4 responses
php, security, hash, password
Dummy authentication realm in Jetty XML
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
test, security, authentication, jetty
nobody should own Drupal
Aaron Ott
0 responses
security, linux, drupal
The worst way to store user passwords
Austin Keeley
0 responses
security, database, passwords
Adam Baldwin
0 responses
security, express, clickjacking, headers
Update /etc/hosts File Efficiently
Andrew Lee
0 responses
emacs, security, vim, sysadmin
Anonymise Google Analytics on iOS
Oliver Tupman
0 responses
security, privacy, google analytics, anonymisation
Tool related to Web development
Gobinath Mallaiyan
0 responses
web, security, tools, development
Using CSP nonce directive to prevent XSS
Jack Hsu
0 responses
xss, security, javascript, csp
CMSploit! - 200k websites security scan
Max Małecki
1 response
php, mysql, emacs, security
RoR input sanitization
Tomasz Paczkowski
0 responses
ruby, rails, security
Discover the power of NewRelic
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
ruby, php, .net, security
Two-Factor Authentication FTW
Miha Rekar
1 response
security, mfa, authentication, two factor authenticaton
CloudFlare - Free, Enhanced Web Performance
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
security, cloudflare, speed, cdn
Learn about PAM authentication.
Adam Stankiewicz
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osx, security, unix
Hash passwords securely
Martin Janeček
0 responses
php, security, hash, passwords
Heads up: Rails Security Issue
Victor Solis
0 responses
ruby, rails, security
Rails session secret should not be in a public repository
Jens Grassel
0 responses
rails, security, session, public repository
PHP Data Validation & Sanitization
Ulrich Kautz
0 responses
php, security, laravel, validation