Popular Sass Programming Tips
Grabbing control of that unruly child-element padding and margin
Ricardo Vazquez
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compass NoMethodError
Sergi Meseguer
0 responses
sass, compass, error
Search sass with ack
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sass, ack
Sass mixin for graphic buttons [non-sprite version]
Artur Szott
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sass, mixin, buttons
sass nesting
Victor Zamfir
3 responses
Sass str-reverse function
0 responses
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SASS Nesting
Chris Ostrowski
2 responses
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Better Icon Fonts with Sass
Cameron Daigle
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sass, scss
Custom device scope SASS
Herson Salinas
0 responses
css, rwd, sass
How to make a horizontal list span the width of its parent
Dwayne Crooks
0 responses
sass, horizontal list, equally spaced, span width
Modified Compass / Sass config file with an extra Dev environment option
Laura Davis-Robeson
0 responses
sass, compass, theme, source map
"Image Replacement" with Font Awesome (Sass)
Paul Graham
0 responses
sass, font awesome, internet explorer, image replacement
Boilerplate Gruntfile for Github Pages with SASS and LiveReload
James Cryer
0 responses
sass, grunt, livereload, github pages
Live Edit Scss on Chrome even with Rails
Rogério Chaves
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rails, chrome, sass, scss
Compass size() mixin
Tsachi Shlidor
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sass, compass
Introdução ao Sass
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sass, scss
Less generators with rails_admin gem
Adrian Peterson Co
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ruby, css, rails, sass
Sass @for directive to loop through each row of a Singularity grid layout
Laura Davis-Robeson
0 responses
css, sass, singularity
CSSDB.co: A curated collection of great CSS, Sass, LESS and Stylus libraries.
Michael Musgrove
2 responses
css, sass, stylus, design
Retina Image Treatment
Ryan Hontz
0 responses
javascript, ios, sass, retina
CSS3 Presentation
Dustin Fadler
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css, sass, compass
Sass IEFix mixin
Antonio Lettieri
0 responses
css, sass, oldie sass
Compass Mixin for Proper Text Contrast
0 responses
css, sass, compass, mixin