Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Minimize API calls to Instagram when using instagram-ruby-gem
Wes Gamble
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ruby, instagram
Ruby and STOMP
Truong Hoang Dung
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ruby, apachemq, stomp
Getting Guard out of interactive mode in Foreman
Arthur Chang
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ruby, rails, gems
Fail a Jenkins Build if Your Ruby Code Sucks
Max Woolf
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ruby, metrics, jenkins, quality
Ruby files really slow in VIM?
Bartek Mucha
1 response
ruby, vim, slow
Bind an EventMachine server to an ephemeral port
Olly Smith
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ruby, tcp, eventmachine, ephemeral
Rails, ActiveAdmin and CanCan
Jens Grassel
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, authorization
Lower your cost for speedy tests when using BCrypt
Nick DeSteffen
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ruby, rails, bcrypt
Convert SQL `LIKE` wildcards to Ruby RegExp
Emmanuel Bourgerie
3 responses
ruby, sql, regexp, wildcard
Turbo Testing with Spring
Job van der Voort
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ruby, rails, cucumber, testing
Install Ruby 2.0 with rbenv on Mac
Bhavin Javia
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ruby, homebrew, rbenv, ruby-2.0.0
Install rbenv 's Ruby 1.8.7 with macports
Adan Alvarado
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ruby, osx, rbenv, macports
JSON from a Ruby Struct
David Radcliffe
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ruby, struct
Read Github's Style Guide for CSS, HTML, JS, and Ruby
Adam Stankiewicz
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ruby, css, html, javascript
Sequel migration Rake tasks
Lennart Fridén
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ruby, migration, database, rake
Avoid repeating yourself with state_machine
Javier Toledo
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ruby, rails, state_machine, concerns
Ruby on Raspberry Pi
Ray Hightower
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ruby, rails, arm, raspberry pi
Evaluate Ruby in Vim
Sonny Scroggin
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ruby, vim
Reliably install OpenCV 2.4.9 in OSX 10.7.5 or Linux (ubuntu)
Andrew McElroy
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ruby, linux, opencv, computer_vision
Send email via AWS SES or Gmail from God
Aaron Jensen
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ruby, aws, gmail, god
Cron, rbenv and $PATH
Rasmus Bang Grouleff
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ruby, unix, rbenv, cron
Installing EventMachine on Windows 7 x64 running with Ruby 2.0 64
Felipe De Boni
1 response
ruby, eventmachine, windows
Webmock for your browser
Olly Smith
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ruby, test, browser, proxy
Gem markdown_helper CLI
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ruby, github, markdown, documentation
Include files from gem into Asset Pipeline
Miha Rekar
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ruby, rails, gem, asset pipeline