Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Python Script to Compress all your css files
Skate Hunbash
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python, css
wsgi script for django in virtualenv
Yohann Gabory
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python, django, apache, wsgi
What if pypi fails?
Oscar M.
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python, pip, pypi
Functional programming in Python
Cameron Verhelst
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python, functional programming
Customising Django's auth views
José Tomás Tocino
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python, django, views
Order matters
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python, tonnynerd, oop, sqlalchemy
Stub function from module
Oleg Potapov
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python, mock, stub
When you have screwed your south migrations
Skate Hunbash
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python, django, south
Dead simple OAuth 2.0 Python client
Demian Brecht
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python, oauth2
Using better CLIs
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tools, git, python, utils
Little script to create an import lib from DLL
Pat Le Cat
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python, mingw, dlltool, lib
If you ever need to script svn+ssh:// with passwords...
Joe McMahon
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python, svn, scripting
Mocking Python Imports
Erik Zaadi
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python, mock, unittests
Paradigms for Asynchronous Programming
Yehor Nazarkin
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javascript, python, async
Multiple vs. one return point
Rodrigo Espinosa
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python, language agnostic
Dirty list comprehensions in python
Tristram Oaten
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python, nasty, side-effects
Condition as an index
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python, unreadable
Decorators for profiling Python functions
Mario Romero
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python, profiling
Python - Dicts to Lists
Lampros Mousselimis
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python, lists, dicts
Quick, quick, serve cwd!
Gert Goet
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python, html
Python's "array" Module
Riley Doyle
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python, memory, array
Pretty print JSON data
Sergi Meseguer
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python, terminal, api, curl
Commands For Uploading Package To PyPi
Nauman Ahmad
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python, pip, pypi