Newest Php Programming Tips
Super easy colors in ANY command line
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
php, shell, color, osx
5 Steps to speed up your PHP pages
Mathew Paret
2 responses
php, speed
Shady characters
danny c
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php, text encoding, html entities, gremlins
Use highlight.js for syntax highlighting in Doxygen generated documentation
Goran Rakić
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php, doxygen, highlight.js
Measure App Response Time with Apache
Chris Henry
0 responses
php, linux, performance, apache
Naive Bayes Classifier in php and mysql
Anant Gupta
1 response
php, mysql, machine learning, naive bayes classifier
Nginx PHP Query Strings
Jesse O'Brien
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php, nginx, php-fpm
Lost, a Vagrant LEMP box on steroids
Santiago Gil
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php, mysql, nginx, vagrant - Collecting All Cheat Sheets
1 response
jquery, ruby, php, python
Start using password functions with php 5.3.7+
Mark Vaughn
1 response
php, security, cryptography, passwords
Laravel .htaccess
Ramiro Rodriguez
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php, laravel, htaccess
PHP Flash messages
Gordon Williamson
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php, flash, session, message
PHP Ternary operator
Gordon Williamson
0 responses
php, ternary, if
Separating API groups
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, python, shell, security
Codeigniter Active Record - on duplicate key update
Gary Garside
2 responses
php, mysql, active record, codeigniter
A PHP Client for Mysql Binlog
0 responses
php, mysql, binlog, mysqlbinlog
Netbeans IDE
Mbugua Lee
4 responses
php, netbeans, java
Laravel 4 Theme
1 response
php, laravel, package
If you're not Surprised by how Good you are it could be a Sign you're not Improving
Matthew Spence
2 responses
ruby, php, rails, learning
So you want to choose an IDE eh?
The Spirit Molecule.
2 responses
php, workspace, web, editor
PHP Array Empty?
Trevor N. Suarez
1 response
php, array, gotcha, equality
My current Gruntfile.js for a Laravel 4 project
Kenny Meyers
0 responses
php, laravel, grunt