Popular P Hp Programming Tips
2012: A Year in PHP
Vasilica Madalin Puica
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Them's the Rules - Using a Rules Engine to Wrangle Complexity
Micah Breedlove
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Explore and Run Libraries through your Browser
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The Codeship Christmas Countdown
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Creating date collection between two dates
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Laravel Collection Lookaheads
Jeff Madsen
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Mail In HTML e PHP
Gianpiero Spinelli
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Zend_Date comparatives method
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Trim strings in WordPress
Gustavo Bordoni
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Configure Varnish with Nginx
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FilesystemOperations in PHP
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The Best PHP Framework in 2015 (survey)
Lewis Nakao
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Producing a segfault in PHP < 5.4
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php, segfault
Retrieve an array value at a function call
Everton Silva
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password generator using symbols
Wisnu Hendro W
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CAM (Console Archive Manager)
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prevent undefined index error
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