Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Hide extensions in URL
Wayne Roddy
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php, html, links, app
Hunt down broken image URLs within WordPress blog posts
Peter Mescalchin
0 responses
php, script, database, wordpress
geeklist-php 0.1 is released
Adriano Rodrigo Guerreiro Laranjeira
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php, adrianoguerreiro
Laravel — l'élégance perdue du PHP
Maxime Fabre
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php, laravel, framework
Apache, PHP-FPM
Alain Fontaine
0 responses
php, apache
Pagespeed: Serve resources with proper media types
0 responses
php, apache, leverage browser caching, mime-types
Learn Laravel 4
Boris Strahija
0 responses
php, laravel, laravel4
How to Kill, I mean erm, Save Kittens
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
php, kittens, humor, common sense
symfony-mariadb-nginx - new containerized framework
Chris Houseknecht
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symfony, php, nginx, container
LAMP On-boarding for Windows
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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php, vagrant, windows, on-boarding
php frameworks
Nithin David thomas
4 responses
php, frameworks, laravel, beginer
Composer on steroid
Pascal Borreli
0 responses
php, composer, hhvm
Get Using PHP Encryption Quick Guide
Jeremy Olson
0 responses
php, encryption, mcrypt
Customize your WP Login
Aaron Jackson
1 response
php, custom, login, wp
Global keyword can be dangerous
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php, global
Export ACF field groups to php markup (WIP)
Constantine Kiriaze
0 responses
php, acf, markup, export
Getting user input with optional hide from view
Joseph Thayne
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php, command line, cli, stty
Launch the Php 5.4 internal web server
Renaud Wellens
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php, cli, web server
Still doing pluralization "by hand"?
Michal Gebauer
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php, pluralize, word inflection, singularize
Apache Multiple Virtual hosts setup
jay mabazza
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php, apache, nginx, iis
You have to have standards!
Adam Barrett
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php, standards, psr-0, psr-1
Beware of checking if a form is submitted using an image input type
Baki Goxhaj
0 responses
php, html, front-end
Simple MySQL Heartbeat monitoring
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
php, mysql, monitoring, pdo