Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Howto: CakePHP on Heroku
JD Isaacks
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php, heroku, cakephp
Get class name without namespace
Silas Bolotta Ribas
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php, reflection, class, namespace
PHP Ternary operator
Gordon Williamson
0 responses
php, ternary, if
Sanitization is Key
Richard Clifford
0 responses
php, mysql, sanitization, user
WordPress AntiSpamBot Function
Jentan Bernardus
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php, security, function, wordpress
Generic way to sanitize url by stripping any special char
2 responses
php, security, seo
Separating API groups
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, python, shell, security
Change date format in PHP
Alexandru G.
2 responses
php, date
crop picture with php
Valentin Beuret
1 response
php, class
Riddle: Bit Play #1
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, riddle, html, javascript
Drupal 7 dB abstraction layer pager rendering
Josh Beauregard
0 responses
php, drupal, ui, database
50 Web Developer Documentation Manuals You Need To Know About
Jason Davis
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ruby, php, python, mysql
Adam Patterson
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php, chrome, chromephp
JS/PHP/RUBY Elegant switch for logical cases
Marcelo Waisman
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ruby, php, javascript
Ajax in magento
Maciej Kossuda
0 responses
php, magento, prototype, modman
CakePHP 3.0 HasAndBelongsToMany Input Broken on Edit
Kevin Alford
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php, cake, associations, habtm
Timezones in PHP are quite easy
Rowan Lewis
0 responses
php, time, date, datetime
Debugging PHP with Xdebug and MacGDBp
Chris Saylor
0 responses
php, macgdbp, xdebug
Symfony Live Portland 2013
Jesse Reese
0 responses
php, laravel, programming, web development
Scripting languages syntaxes compared
Alexandru G.
0 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
3 Tips for a Quick and Clean PHP
Samer Moustafa
2 responses
php, regex, string, ternary
Baseline Gruntfile for PHP development
Vinícius Fragoso
0 responses
php, code quality, grunt, phpunit
Built in web servers in Rails, Python, and PHP
Mariz Melo
0 responses
php, python, rails