Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
Linux : Remote desktop multiple monitor support
0 responses
xfreerdp, remotedesktop, multiplemonitors, linux
Practical lldb with core dump
Michael Bacci
0 responses
lldb, c, c++, debug
Multi Thread wget
Filipe Kiss
5 responses
shell, linux, wget, mac os
ESXi ipmitool(works on any Linux system as well)
Mitchell Turner
4 responses
linux, esxi, ipmi
Convert RAW photos to JPG in the Mac OS terminal
Ricardo Magalhães
4 responses
terminal, osx, mac, images
Running docker as a client on Mac OS X
8 responses
macosx, mac, virtualization, docker
Grep and replace text in files
0 responses
terminal, sed, grep, linux
pbcopy and pbpaste on Linux
Charlie Sanders
3 responses
shell, linux, pbcopy, pbpaste
List aliases in UNIX or Linux
Chip Castle
0 responses
shell, aliases, alias, linux
Mac Homebrew start/stop services
Luca Guidi
2 responses
mac, lean, brew, tmux
Test your bootable USB drive with QEMU
Pascal Hartig
0 responses
linux, qemu, usb
Memory efficient Ubuntu VMs
Attila Györffy
14 responses
virtualisation, vmware, ubuntu
DRBD & mkfs: Wrong medium type while trying to determine filesystem size
1 response
linux, sysadmin, file system, storage
Create a zsh function
Chip Castle
0 responses
zsh, alias, history, unix
Run Django commands using cron
3 responses
python, linux, django
Make LiveUSB from iso (Ubuntu, ArchLinux, etc)
Fernando Briano
4 responses
archlinux, liveusb, ubuntu
Syntax highlighting for zsh
Robert Böhnke
3 responses
shell, fish, zsh, terminal
Gnome 3: How to Alt Tab windows on current workspace only
Peter Suschlik
1 response
shell, workspace, gnome, linux
Installing 'The Silver Searcher' on Ubuntu
Peter Golm
3 responses
shell, grep, linux, tool
Using nmap to quickly ping all hosts in an address range
0 responses
unix, network, linux, nmap
How to uninstall Python 2.x on Mac OS
Yesi D
0 responses
python, console, mac
Enable remote root login on Ubuntu safely
Janos Gyerik
0 responses
security, ssh, sudo, ubuntu
Bash Script to create new Apache2 virtual hosts.
1 response
linux, apache2, mint 14.1, virtual hosts
Ansible: Reboot Ubuntu if needed
Lorin Hochstein
4 responses
ubuntu, ansible
Install nodejs using homebrew and install appium
Shlomi Toussia-Cohen
2 responses
linux, homebrew, npm, brew