Popular Mac Programming Tips
Speed Up Site Development With Mixture
Allyson Beckers
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Movement in Bash on Mac
Natansh Verma
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Remove Open With... Duplicates : Mac
Jeffrey Jackson
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Active Record in objective-c
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IE Virtual Machines
Victor Quinn
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Easy Clear screen for Linux/OSX
Octavio Luna
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Better terminal for MacOSX
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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A tmux key binding to open contents of paste buffer as a URL
Tom Jakubowski
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Download and install IE 6, 7, 8, and/or 9 test stations with ease
Ali Karbassi
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Test for real-world network speeds
Héctor Gómez
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Git beefy rebase and push alias
Murphy Randle
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Add some cool separators to your Dock
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Debugging with XDebug and PhpStorm on MacOS X
Abu Ashraf Masnun
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How to check (and change) your default JDK with one command
Junior Ales
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Hidden VNC client in OS X
Abhinav Ajgaonkar
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Show listened ports on Mac OS X
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Quick Zoom on OSX
Ben Heebner
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Take a picture with iSight (Mac) from command line
Ignasi Marimon-Clos
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Integrate OS X clipboard into Emacs
Alexander Tamoykin
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Open Github/Bitbucket Page From Command Line
Philip Cunningham
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Disable Safari Push Notifications
Jeffrey Jackson
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Purge Cache and Memory
Jeffrey Jackson
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Login Lag on Macbook
Jeffrey Jackson
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OSX logs every downloaded file!
0 responses
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