Popular Java Programming Tips
Switch java-jdk on ubuntu
Kevin Sapper
0 responses
java, ubuntu, install, jdk
Integrated Development Environment?
Clark Nelson
2 responses
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Java 6 CDI explained extremely well
Thomas Jaspers
0 responses
java, cdi
Screen Animation with BlackBerry
Ilyas Kolasinac
0 responses
blackberry, java
Hiring (Open Source/Java) Software Engineers
Wendy Lee
0 responses
ruby, python, java, scala
ADT - Error: Conversion to Dalvik failed
Andreas Siebert
0 responses
android, build, eclipse, error
Use Netty! It's great for developing client/server applications!
0 responses
java, server, async, client
Using RxNetty TLS/SSL HttpClient securely
Greg Roodt
0 responses
java, rxjava, netty, reactive
Enable SQL printing in Hibernate
Alexander Rashkov
0 responses
sql, debugging, hibernate, java
How to reverse a String in Java
0 responses
algorithms, java
Complex Made Simple: Sleep Better with TorqueBox
Marcos Ganine
0 responses
ruby, jruby, torquebox, jboss
Test PMD rule with class which is out of CLASSPATH
Kengo TODA
0 responses
maven, pmd, java
(In portuguese) Automatizando testes em 4 passos
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
tdd, slideshare, junit, java
How to check (and change) your default JDK with one command
Junior Ales
0 responses
osx, mac, macos, jdk
How to change Lang from Activity [Android]
Andreas Siebert
0 responses
android, howto, help, java
Give static typing a new and fair chance - Part 1
Daniel Rochetti
1 response
ruby, startup, languages, java
First Person 3D- Simple Workflow JME3
0 responses
tutorial, game, 3d, easy
OsiriX y Plugins - Parte 2
Alberto M. Lagos T.
1 response
java, objective-c, osirix, pacs
Avoid Enums Where You Only Need Ints
Gautam Basubramanian
0 responses
android, protip, java, enums
Log to file using log4j when running with tomcat
Jens Grassel
0 responses
tomcat, log4j, java
Inspecting .class files
0 responses
class, java, bytecode, classpath
Grab a unit from a given coordinate
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
game, game development, java, libgdx
Time difference in hours .
0 responses
time, date, java
Java 7 on Mac OSX - OpenJDK and Oracle
John Stevenson
0 responses
macosx, jdk, java
Project Reactor
Tobias Trelle
0 responses
jvm, java, event driven, fast data