iOS Development Tips
Codign tips to speed up your objective-c and swift development as well as your apps.
iOS: Create a secondary status bar for displaying in-app messages
Matt Wielbut
0 responses
mobile, iphone, ios
Wishing you a multilingual Christmas
Anthony Levings
13 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
Command-line AirPlay video client for AppleTV
Tomohiro TAIRA
3 responses
ruby, shell, rubygems, osx
Log All Messages in Objective-C
Junior B.
0 responses
simulator, debug, mac, iphone
tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not working
François Benaiteau
0 responses
ios, uitableview, interfacebuilder
Mobile Parallax with Stellar.js
Mark Dalgleish
0 responses
jquery, css, ios, mobile
Cross-platform mobile XHR (PhoneGap/Cordova)
Kerri Shotts
0 responses
ios, android, mobile, xhr
Debugging Xcode Plugins
Delisa Mason
3 responses
shell, cocoa, xcode, osx
UIImageView+AFNetworking & NSCache a Warning from Warnings
Richard S
2 responses
apple, ipad, iphone, ios
Mobile Bookmark Bubble
Kevin Perrine
1 response
javascript, android, ios
MySQL 'timestamp' string to NSDate
Max Kramer
0 responses
mysql, ios, timestamp, nsdate
iOS - Change UIImagePickerController bar buttons color
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objective-c
How to wait for GCD queues to suspend before performing a task
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
cocoa, ios, osx, gcd
Convert your Localizable.strings (iOS) to strings.xml (Android)
Florian Mierzejewski
1 response
android, localizable, ios
Creating GPX file that can be used in the Xcode
Basuke Suzuki
0 responses
xcode, location, ios, gpx
Customizing UISearchBar background
James Tang
0 responses
ios, uisearchbar
Rendering html pdf report for printing from UIWebView
0 responses
pdf, printing, uiwebview, ios
Read File Contents - iOS & Swift
0 responses
ios, xcode, swift
Beware of [NSString hash]
Dennis Wilson
0 responses
cocoa, macosx, objc, nsstring
Red files (missing) on Xcode project
Jhon Jaiver López
1 response
xcode, objectivec, ios, red
Fix: git recognized Xcode localization file as binaries
Francis Chong
0 responses
xcode, localization, git
Load Images from to iOS App
Sol Irvine
3 responses
cocoa touch, ios,, objective-c
facebook auth with ionic and firebase
Connor Leech
0 responses
cordova, javascript, android, firebase
iOS: Handling Pan Gestures Properly
Daniel Burke
2 responses
ios, ui, ux, gestures
Applying Rounded Corners to a View in Objective-C
Paul Morris
0 responses
uiview, objective-c, uibezierpath, cashapelayer