Popular I Os Programming Tips
OCR on iPhone using Tesseract and OpenCV
Paolo Tagliani
0 responses
opencv, computer vision, ios, c
Create iPhone Ringtones with FFMPEG
Andrew Burns
0 responses
iphone, ffmepg
Store an Objective-C block as a property
Ryan McGrath
2 responses
ios, mac, iphone, objective-c
xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode
0 responses
xcode, npm, osx
How to list all available fonts in XCode by family name
Ernesto Mendoza Blanco
0 responses
xcode, fonts, ios, objective-c
Open the Xcworkspace file in the current directory
Bram Plessers
1 response
workspace, terminal, xcode, osx
Request read and publish permissions simultaneously using iOS Facebook support
Marcin Krzyzanowski
0 responses
facebook, ios, krzyzanowskim
Add Empty Application Template Back
Isuru Nanayakkara
4 responses
xcode, template
Remove all gesture of a UiView
Jorge Galindo Cruces
0 responses
ios, objective-c
UILabel text glow
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
xcode, mac, ipad, iphone
dispatch_release is no longer needed in iOS 6 with ARC
Francis Chong
0 responses
objc, ios6, ios
Requests to local machine from the iPhone using Charles Web Proxy
Arthur Chang
0 responses
proxy, ios, macos
Async Block in Objective-C
Raúl Raja
0 responses
asynchronous, dispatch_queue_t, blocks, objective-c
Merging Xcode project files...
Eamonn Moloney
0 responses
ios, xcode, ipad, iphone
iOS Simulator log in terminal, instead of Xcode
Paweł Ksieniewicz
0 responses
terminal, ios, xcode
CALayer (Xcode): hitTest, sublayers, CABasicAnimation, shadows, borders and corners
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, borders, hittest, calayer
Device and Interface Orientation with iOS
Dylan Marriott
1 response
orientation, ios
Installing Xcode Command Line Tools on OS X Mavericks
0 responses
xcode, os x, mavericks
Circle crop/mask on views
James Tang
3 responses
xcode, objective-c, ios
Use #defined values in Info.plist
Marco Del Tongo
2 responses
ios, xcode, facebook, plist
Working with #HEX colours in xCode
1 response
ios, xcode, colours, colors
Debug HTML/JavaScript on iOS with Safari 5&6
Tommy McGlynn
0 responses
ios, web, html, javascript