Popular I Os Programming Tips
Embedded Web Server for iOS UI Testing
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swift, http, ios, ui
Notification when App enters Foreground
Clayton McIlrath
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ios, rubymotion, ruby motion, motion
UITextField text offset
Rudenko Michael
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ios, objective-c
iOS - Sort mutable array of views by each frame
Noval Agung Prayogo
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objective-c, ios
Objective-C round 100ms NSTimeInterval to nearest 100
Matthew Teece
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ios, rounding, objective-c, nstimeinterval
Xcode error: "The argument is invalid"
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xcode, error
Push notifications not registering?
Cameron Cooke
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ios, apn, push notifications
How to measure the number of lines of code in a project
Sendoa Portuondo
2 responses
php, shell, osx, ios
Open Xcode workspace from zsh
Neil Cowburn
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zsh, workspace, xcode
API to determine whether running on iPhone or iPad
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cocoa, ios, objective-c
Always mark your temporary debug changes
Sergei Cherepanov
0 responses
xcode, debug, useful habits
Useful resources for iOS developers
Pulkit Goyal
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ios, frameworks, objc, iphone
PhoneGap and JavaScript File Names
Matthew Teece
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ios, cordova, phonegap, javascript
Maven: Create OS X App bundles with AppStore versions of Xcode
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shell, xcode, maven, java
Debugging web views in native OSX apps
Marian Julius Zange
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xcode, osx, mac, webkit
Lazy Load with Style
Jason Larsen
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ios, objective-c
Fix your iOS 6 application to landscape and make it iO5 compatible
Jelle Vandebeeck
0 responses
ipad, iphone, ios6, ios5
Mac developer? Use MacRuby IRB
Daniel Green
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mac, macruby, objective-c
Download a file in Objective-C
Vincent Saluzzo
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ios, file, download, thread
Add existing XCode project to GitHub
Tim Krüger
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github, git, xcode
Install Jekyllrb on Mac OS X Maverick
Lance Vo
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ruby, xcode, jekyll, maverick
Mark as deprecated/unavailable
0 responses
objective-c, ios, xcode, snippet
NSArray to NSString - nice and easy
David Rodrigues
0 responses
Update UILabel in SubViewController from MainViewController
Robert Wünsch
0 responses
cocoa, ios, objective-c
Pro alerts in Xamarin.iOS
Олег Гаврилов
0 responses
ios, uialertview, alerts