Popular Grep Programming Tips
Open in vim all files returned by a grep search
Rafael Bika
0 responses
shell, grep, vim
Grabbing Timestamp Data from Logs
Jared Davis
0 responses
r, sed, grep, unix
grep a directory recursively
Filippo Valsorda
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shell, grep, bash
ack! is better than grep
Enno Rehling
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grep, search, coding, utility
Searching strings in Xcode using NSScanner and NSRegularExpression
Anthony Levings
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regex, grep, find, nsstring
Avoid returning your command when grepping ps output
Franco Reyes
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shell, grep, cli, *nix
bundle grep $1
0 responses
ruby, bundler, grep, ack
Too many aliases? Pshaw! There's no such thing
Michaux Kelley
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zsh, alias, grep, ohmyzsh
Shell: grep in specific files in a subfolder
Alex Heusingfeld
0 responses
shell, grep, find, search
Show the surrounding lines for grep matches
Peter Mitchell
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grep, command-line
Intuitive flags information of Nginx
Pothi Kalimuthu
0 responses
nginx, awk, shell, zsh
Find the right routes in rails
Justin Herrick
2 responses
rails, grep, unix, routes
Find naughty naughty model calls in your views
Matt Gauger
0 responses
rails, grep, models, views
[killer tips]Search code in all bundled gems
2 responses
bundler, rails, grep, search
Create list of hardcoded tags for logcat filter-spec
jaymz campbell
1 response
android, grep, bash, logcat
Ruby gem docs from shell to browser
Chip Castle
0 responses
ruby, grep, gem, unix
Make ack search additional file types
Simon Pantzare
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grep, ack
grep XOR awk
Chris Seymour
0 responses
shell, bash, grep, awk
Bash, grep string in file with file name and line number.
Andrea Richiardi
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bash, grep, find, linux
Search your command history
Niels van Aken
0 responses
shell, grep, ssh, history
Fast recursive code grepping
Caio Ariede
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grep, linux
Print Surrounding Lines Around a Match
Miles Matthias
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grep, unix
Context-aware grep
Ilya Dmitrichenko
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grep, git
Grab multiple lines with grep
Blaine Pace
0 responses
shell, grep
How to search for strings on uncommented Python lines using a Bash function
0 responses
python, grep, unix, bash