Master Git One Commit at a Time
Get your git jitsu on with these git tips that will take you from a beginner to an expert.
git checkout - (previous branch)
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
tips, git
Windows Github and Bitbucket setup
Alex Boyd
0 responses
hg, git, windows, putty
Fix your commits
Brian Riley
0 responses
Auto run your rails migrations when switching branches
Rodrigo Kochenburger
0 responses
ruby, rails, git
Build a simple Urban dictionary agnostic of common slangs & meanings
0 responses
php, travis, packagist, tdd
Great set of cheat sheets
Kamil Michalak
0 responses
scala, opensource, git, java
Find regression testable code
Taylor Fausak
0 responses
tests, git, github
git undo
Greg van Brug
0 responses
git filemode is annoying
Rowan Lewis
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git, filemode
Development workflow using git.
Peter van der Does
0 responses
git-flow, git
Publicando en Windows Azure con node.js y GIT en OS X Lion
Hector Minaya
0 responses
nodejs, git, mac, azure
Quick access to documentation search
Marc Trudel
0 responses
markdown, search, knowledge-management, github
Git(hub): Merging from a forked repo
Daniel Schmidt
0 responses
merge, git, fork
Git Internals
Haggai Philip Zagury
0 responses
git, git internals, dag
Open untracked files in vim
Pete Hudgins
0 responses
vim, git
Tab complete your recent git commits
Joe Heyming
0 responses
git, bash, bash-completion
Moving to Git
Tim Moore
0 responses
git, slideshare
My .gitconfig
Ievgenii Nikolchev
0 responses
git, gitconfig