Popular Development Programming Tips
Always Check Where Subversion Is Commiting To!
Garry Welding
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development, subversion, version control
Rails Development Reload
Dinesh Vasudevan
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ruby, rails, development, reload
HR KamaGames Studio
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development, game
Quickly Generate CodeNames for your project releases
Tom Wilson
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development, change management
Email dispatch checklist
Dimitrios Mistriotis
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development, email, checklist
End-to-end test transactional emails with real addresses using MailSlurp
Jack Mahoney
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testing, email, javascript, tools
Android programming for desktop programmers
Saurabh Minni
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slideshare, android, development, design
The Secret to Life...
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Stick these two aliases in your .gitconfig to ease cleaning and updating your dev branches!
Dan Bennett
0 responses
alias, cli, development, branching
The Benefits of Working with Git
Nicola Pietroluongo
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software, development, git, versioning
WindyCityRails Tech Conference
0 responses
ruby, rails, development, coding
[Android] Assign header to ListView before you add an Adapter
Ahmad Fauzan
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android, development
Transition is the Next Big Thing to Happen in Software Development
Soho Hollis
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software, development
Use Nomad to speed up your development!
Dal Rupnik
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ios, mac, development
SSH Config Setup
0 responses
ssh, config, ssh_config, development